Neighborhood meeting
When: Monday, July 17th 6pm
Where: Salvation Army Community Room 93 North St
Purpose: To learn about and provide neighborhood comments on a new development proposal with the team at Beverly Crossing Details I have received around the project are below:

Salem, MA –Beverly Crossing is slated to begin permitting efforts to create a new apartment development located at 75 North St, 2 Commercial St, and 3 South Mason St at the South Western edge of the Route 114 bridge into Salem. The development anticipates 60+/- rental apartments, 4 stories by-right, one level of garage parking at grade, resident amenities, and a lease office.
Apartment offerings will include studio, 1 and 2 bedroom units with six of the units restricted to households earning no more than 60% of Area Median Income (AMI). The proposed building is located within the North River Canal Corridor zone and will require relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals, DEP Chapter 91, Conservation Commission, Planning Board, and Design Review Board.
The permitting effort is slated to be underway at the August Zoning Board hearing. If approved, the project anticipates a ground-break late 2024.The early conceptual designs envision garage parking, rooftop deck, fitness center, bike storage, pet-friendly living, solar roof, and indoor/outdoor spaces.
“We are paying particular attention to traffic mitigation, environmental goals for flood resistance and sustainability, pedestrian connectivity, and the creation of new public green spaces along both Commercial and S. Mason Streets” said Chris Koeplin, President of Beverly Crossing.
The site is poised for re-purposing, given the current uses, and is ideally located next to the Canal, on the edge of downtown, and 500 foot steps to the Salem commuter rail platform. This particular site offers a key ‘Gateway Development’ opportunity for visitors and residents entering Salem from Route 114 – it’s a prime opportunity to reduce our reliance on cars.
Beverly Crossing is a locally-focused real estate development group, formed in 2006 by their late founder, Steve Dodge, dedicated to the creation of communities that will attract new residents, businesses, and services to the North Shore. Beverly Crossing has developed over 800 apartments, primarily in Beverly and Salem.
The group recently completed ‘The Block at Odell Park’, 106 units adjacent to the Beverly Depot Train station, as well as 212 units at Trader Row in Salem as a joint venture partner.
For more information about Beverly Crossing or this announcement please contact Chris Koeplin.
The well attended meeting included a presentation by Chris Koeplin of Beverly Crossing. Please send feedback to Chris at This is very much the beginning of this discussion.
Chris from Beverly Crossing has since provided an update that they are delaying the ZBA filing to gather more data and refine how the building looks in response to the comments at the meeting (there were no building designs shown at the meeting).
There may be another neighborhood meeting and they look forward to future engagement on this project.
Below are a few screengrabs from the presentation, followed by the full presentation.
And here are some links to items that were referenced during the meeting:
The North River Canal Corridor plan: NRCC-report layout ( and additional NRCC Documents North River Canal Corridor Plan | salemma
Chapter 91: Chapter 91, The Massachusetts Public Waterfront Act |

Full Presentation